Terf talk and why women meet
‘It’s electrifying, empowering,’ Yvonne.
‘I feel like I’ve found my tribe,’ Tina.
‘It’s a sanity check,’ Rachel.
‘It’s being part of a bigger whole; it gives a buzz like nothing else,’ Ali.
More of that later, but you get the general picture. The pic itself shows LWS women from Birmingham and beyond at our latest monthly get-together. The lunches have been ongoing for well over a year. We do more than scoff chips and quaff wine (yummy though that is!), we convene to chew cud, share ideas, plan actions.
For instance, we rarely leave home without billboarding, leaflets and stickers. Anywhere and everywhere is fair game. Fair play, on the other hand, is a concept parkrunuk grapples with so we regularly target their Saturday runs. We spread the word literally by talking to anyone there. It’s gratifying how many women (and men) are already on board.
Our library action was a hoot. We slipped trans and gender woo titles in between fantasy, sci-fi and horror books. Replaced the trans fiction with classics written mostly by women. Now we aim to branch out and stage our first – drumroll here – LWS live event a la Reformers’ Tree.
There’s lots to sort first: logistics, location, lucre etc but enthused and encouraged by KJK and Laura from Locals, we will get there. Maybe your local group could too.
But back to our lunches and more of those reasons:
‘I feel believed. I feel supported,’ Georgie.
‘I want to feel I’m doing something,’ Brid.
‘It’s the one place I can speak without fear,’ Jude.
Think about that last point. It’s so telling yet how appalling it needs to be made.
Wherever we are and whoever we’re with, we should all be unafraid to voice the truth.
That’s why LWS is so vital.
Let Women Speak? They try and stop us but to coin a Posie phrase: We WILL win.