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At Let Women Speak we foster a community in which all women feel empowered to speak.  We achieve this through our free speech events, which are free to attend.  We are so proud that women across the world are using the #LetWomenSpeak hashtag as a rallying cry, to avoid disappointment we have listed our official events below.  These are the only events hosted by Posie Parker / Kellie-Jay Keen.

All Let Women Speak events are held in outdoor public places. Places are chosen so that they are as accessible as possible and not far from public transport. Anyone can turn up and anyone can speak (but we ask that men wait until the end). You can speak about whatever you like, these are free speech events. Each UK event needs a £2000 security fund to make it possible. Below we have "pay what you like" tickets, so if you would like to make a donation towards the security fund we would be extremely grateful. If you cannot contribute, please get a free ticket as it can give us a rough idea about the potential numbers to expect. These tickets do not need to be brought with you or shown to anyone, they are purely for admin purposes. Local women's knowledge of the areas is essential, so if you live in/near any of the Let Women Speak events and would like to help with an event, please click "Can you help?" above.

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